The Draig Sidhe Path

About the Draig Sidhe

We call the Draig Sidhe Path an evolving tradition. The downside of this philosophy is that with each step of this evolution the concept that once defined it, changes. The upside is that with each step of this evolution the concept that once defined it, changes. What does not change are the core teachings that the Draig Sidhe Path was founded upon. First and foremost, we are a Mystery Tradition. My personal view of what that means is the equivalent of offering you a map to water. It is still up to you to follow the map and drink the water yourself.

I started this magickal voyage in 1975. In my many years of study and practice I have explored a number of paths and traditions. You could say that the Draig Sidhe Path is a summation of my magickal life, with contributions from my wife and soulmate, as well as other members of the Draig Sidhe. We don't ask you to give up everything you have ever learned, and only do it our way. We ask, what do you bring to the party? A tree is not only made up of branches, it is also made up of a root system. With each new member, not only do we gain a new branch on our tree, we also gain a new root system to feed the growth of that tree.

In short, we are not a religion, we practice a unique form of dragon magick. Witchcraft comes in many forms and flavors, the Draig Sidhe Path is just another way of looking at the magickal world that we all live in.

If You Believe in Dragons,
then Dragons will Believe in You!